Miss S. Strange BA

June 26, 2011
Oh yes, I now have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology!! All the hard work, the stress and the sleepless nights have finally paid off. I get to graduate this year without any resits and make all my family very proud :D Glory to the God Almighty, only he could ever get me through this with my sanity still intact. He has been so good to me, always reminding me that he has me in his hands. In the darkest hours, when I felt desperate and depressed, when I was ready to give up, when I refused to get up in the morning, he was there giving me strenght and cheering me on. He surrounded me with brilliant people who believed in me and pushed me to believe in myself, so that in the end I got my degree, as all my prayers were answered. All which I have now I achieved be glory to our Father, for in him all things are possible!


Kess said...

Congratulations, and very well said! :)

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