
August 23, 2010



Quote of the day: ”Vi tok flytogbussen som tok oss rett til flytoget som tok oss like til flyplassen.”

Started stressing as soon as I woke up. Did a million and one things including posting some keys and buying food. After that we took a bus to the train that took us to the airport. Managed to concour the evil check – in machines but were for some reason directed to the “heavy luggage” tilt (a piece of information we only received after having stood for ages in line for the normal bag drop). Grr. Arg. The rest of the flight went well even though they tried confusing us several times by changing the gate and changing straight from “go to gate” to “gate closing – last call” in a matte of min.

Well in Amsterdam the city welcomed us with a whiff of weed and piss, that and the sight of about a dozen bicycles. We had some help from nice people to find the train and even though Ben tried to confuse us with his “knowledge” of the city we managed to find our way there fairly quickly. As we came out of the train station some “damsels in distress” a.k.a. two guys from Norway who needed to borrow a phone because they’d managed to successfully loose their friend (great start to a holiday, right?!) and theirs had no battery. So we got to play the AWSOME knights in shining armor (armed with a whistle that is), borrowing them my phone and saving the day. Was skeptical to the idea at first seen as we’d just been thinking of the film Taken, but they seemed alright so we gave in.

Followed the route to our hostel trying not to get lost between the million bridges and channels that make up Amsterdam city centre until we finally reached our hostel. The staff at “Jordaan” was really nice and we went to bed straight away (or at least straight after I changed my tiny pillow for someone else’s big one).

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