Presenting my Bucket List

September 18, 2009
Carrie, over at [carrotspeak.], wrote a Bucket List on her page and encouraged her readers to do the same. As you know, I am all for lists, so I was thrilled at this chance to make yet another one. Here is a list of all the things I plan to do before I die. I have only put things that I haven't done yet, cause I though that it'll give me a challenge.

- Grow old with the person I marry (also marry the person I love)

- See ALL the art in Louvre

- Go backpacking through Europe

- Join a war reenactment

- Get a scuba certification

- Build a matching rocking chair set for me and my hubby to sit in when we're old

- Never hear my children say "I HATE YOU", even in their teen years (should have children first though)

- Learn at least 10 languages

- Read all the books in a library

- Never loose touch with my family and my best friends

- Cook all the recipes in Julia Child's cooking book (although I don't think I'll be attempting to do it all in one year)

- Learn Japanese, and watch a whole anime without translation :D (also go to Japan)

- Visit all the continents in the world (and try their food)

- Have an amazing life story told to me by the person who lived it and write a book about it

- Go to an AC/DC concert before they quit

- Learn to play the bagpipe just so I can annoy the neighbours while I'm learning

- Pet a lion or a tiger

- Ride an elephant, a donkey, a horse and a camel...oh and a sled pulled by dogs (or even one pulled by deer)

- Get a tattoo that I won't be ashamed of even when I'm 50 ;)

- Have a job that I love for the rest of my working days

- Live a life I'll be proud of


Carrie said...

Seeing all the art in the Louvre is a good one! I didn't even think of that...

Thanks so much for participating!

Dreaming said...

I've heard that if you spend only 2 sec on each it would take you 2 weeks to see them all. :D I have great plans about attempting this on my backpacking through Europe trip next summer :D

iida said...

Oh, I definitely agree with getting a tattoo you'll never be ashamed of! I'm getting one like that as soon as I turn eighteen. :) Great list!

Dreaming said...


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