Anyone seen the toothfairy?

July 30, 2009
Cause I'd really like some compensation for the pain I've gone through today.

For those of you who don't remember the sad story of my tooth here it is; Last october I had a rootcanal done...or started to anyway. The doctor did the thing he does, left th tooth filled with a temporary filling and told me to come back in december...which I comepletely forgot (of course). Then the holidays came and I didn't do anything about it till february, when I visited the doctor anew. On this visit he asked me if my tooth was hurting, and, as it was, he did the rootcanal again. I was then supposed to come for a new session in may, but, stupid as I am, I forgot which dates my exams were and set my appointment up on the date of my exam. A week after the tooth cracked in two.

Because of this stupidity I now have to get an implant (bah, I'm only 20 and already I can't even say that at least I still have all my teeth :S), which will probably cost me all of the sallary I'll get from my job. This sucks! And if that wasn't enough, they (quite logically but increadibly painfully) had to remove my poor tooth. It nearly fell apart when she pulled at it, but luckily it came out in one piece.

Am now in obvious, although not very strong but very irritating, pain. Furthermore I'm forbidden to work today, but I can't call in sick cause I'm not qualified. This is going to be a long long day :(


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